A list for you
Hello! Here is a list of 10 things I want to share with you, in no particular order: 1. So far my 2023 has felt like fire, sirens, and gushing water. 2. Whatever is happening in your year so far, I hope that you are finding some pools of relief. 3. Are you a bit of a perfectionist? I am. It’s a real pain. At some point in my life I made the connection that success=survival. I would need to know that whatever I created was going to turn out perfectly, otherwise I wouldn’t even let myself begin. I’m writing this list anyway. 4. Hermit crabs are amazing.* 5. My favourite way to move through perfectionism is through play. We can create the conditions where we feel safe enough to try new things - to follow a thread into a rubbish pile, discover that it doesn’t even lead to a diamond ring, and keep going anyway. 6. I love you and you are allowed to be a mess. 7. We are at a moment in history where we need risk-takers. Humans who are willing to side-step norms. Humans who are willing to harness their own power in interesting ways. Humans who are willing to be weird, tangential, butterfly, butter-fingers, now I’m in the sickbay drinking Milo, how do I begin again? Oh look I found a shell in my pocket and it fits perfectly on the pad of my finger. 8. We can follow the thread all the way into the abyss, and back out again. 9. There is still time to join my new arts-based mentorship programme called ‘Make It Tangible’, but you'd better book now because we start this Friday 13th January. We’ll be practing not letting anything (including perfectionism) get in the way of us making our art. 10. Creativity is not something we do. It’s who we are. x x x Rata *If a hermit crab grows too big for its shell and it finds a bigger shell it will explore it to see if it’s the right size. If the shell is too big, it will wait by the shell for up to 8 hours while other hermit crabs come and try it out. As they realise it’s too big for them as well, they queue up next to the shell and form a line from biggest crab to smallest crab and then they all exchange shells in sequence so everyone gets a new home! (Look). P.S. Update on Raglan 2023 dance dates coming very soon! |
P.S. This year I really want you to make your art and I am offering a new programme to support you to do it.
'Make It Tangible' is a 6-month mentorship programme for sensitive revolutionaries to bring their secret creative dreams from the world of imagination into the world of tangible reality. You will learn essential tools to harness your creative power, so you can make the art and the impact you are here to make. There are different levels to choose from, to suit you needs: whether you just want more creative play in your life, you want to start taking bigger creative risks, or you want deep support to birth something big. We kick off in Friday 13th January 2023. |
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(c) Rata Gordon 2021-2023