My s*** made me do it
Hello! What do you think of when you hear the words “soul path”? Do you cringe a little bit and think Ew, woo-woo? Do the words appear in a florid pale lilac font that makes you want to throw up a little? Or do you think, What soul? Mine is buried under eight weeks of unfolded laundry on my couch? Or maybe it made a break for it out the door and it’s hiding up a tree until my life is a little less... full/messy/everything? Do you ever feel so dizzied by winter snot and emails and noise that the idea of a soul seems like a disant joke? Do you secretly hope and fear that your soul has given up on you and is sailing to the Maldives without you? And do you ever have moments of grace? Little inklings of relief? Little sentences, or maybe even whole chapters in your life where you feel like this is it, this is what I’m here for. Are there times when what you are doing and who you are being feels good in the deepest part of yourself? When you feel like, if I can just stay connected to this, then something good will definitely come of it? Wise ones, I’m not here for grand narratives and generalising stories about what is unfolding at this moment on Earth. I believe there is so much we don’t know, can’t know, and will probably never know even about our very own lives. But I do believe in souls. I believe in soul paths. Or at least, I believe that there are things that each of us are uniquely good at, uniquely obsessed with, uniquely here for. We have our zones of genius and when we enter into those zones and consistently put our energy there, we feel really good about it. Maybe the whole Earth organism feels good about it. Maybe even the whole universe, who knows? Our soul’s work is often creative. It’s the vital edge where who we are (our talents, passions and joy) meets what the world needs. Staying connected with our soul matters. There are practices that help to maintain that connection. I am a parent of young ones: a four-year-old, a 5 month old baby, and as of three days ago, a kitten*. I’m not interested in meditating for hours every day. The idea of any kind of ‘daily practice’ is hilarious in a bad way right now. Some days I find it hard enough to maintain my daily practice of going to the toilet. But! I am in love with this question: What do I need – bare minimum – to stay connected to the deepest parts of myself during this chapter of my life? What is the smallest inciest tiniest most momenty practice that I can bring into my life, right now, while cleaning up the kitten poo, feeding the baby, filling out that form, dealing with the ants? What will keep me connected to joy, clarity, and soul? Falling into this question any time I remember is my practice. What about you? What is keeping you connected right now? xxx Rata *Please don’t ask me what I was thinking bringing another agent of chaos home at this point in my life – I blame the decision on sleep deprivation, but it is the best little friend ever. P.S. Next year I really want you to make your art and I am offering a new programme to support you to do it.
'Make It Tangible' is a 6-month mentorship programme for sensitive revolutionaries to bring their secret creative dreams from the world of imagination into the world of tangible reality. You will learn essential tools to harness your creative power, so you can make the art and the impact you are here to make. There are different levels to choose from, to suit you needs: whether you just want more creative play in your life, you want to start taking bigger creative risks, or you want deep support to birth something big. We kick off in January 2023. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll make sure you are the first to know when bookings open. |
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(c) Rata Gordon 2022